Events Calendar

Ethics Across the Curriculum Speaker - Beyond the 3Rs-How to Shift the Current Animal Research Paradigm

Thursday, 24 October, 2024

Ethics Across the Curriculum Speaker - Kathrin Herrmann

“Beyond the 3Rs: How to Shift the Current Animal Research Paradigm”

The presentation critically examines the prevailing use of animal models in scientific research and advocates for a transformative shift towards non-animal methodologies. Despite the adoption of the 3Rs principle - Replacement, Reduction, Refinement - animal experimentation persists, often with significant ethical and scientific shortcomings. Herrmann highlights the limited translatability of animal studies to human health benefits, underscoring the failure of the current harm-benefit analysis (HBA) to adequately justify the continued use of animals in research. The presentation also addresses the ethical concerns and psychological toll on research personnel involved in animal testing. Driven by ethical imperatives, scientific advances, and public demand, Herrmann calls for a new research paradigm that prioritizes human-relevant methods over traditional animal models, aiming to enhance both scientific outcomes and animal welfare.


Sarah Kenehan

Phone: 570-941-4700

Brennan Hall, Pearn Auditorium, (228)

320 Madison Avenue
Scranton, PA 18510