Events Calendar

35th anniversary of Salvadoran UCA martyrs film - Blood of the Martyrs

Monday, 18 November, 2024

The Ellacuría Initiative, the Political Science department, and Peace and Justice Studies will host a viewing of the documentary Blood of the Martyrs to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the killing of Jesuits and their companions at the UCA in El Salvador. Discussion will be led by Dr. Mike Allison, Political Science, and Dr. Will Cohen, Theology and Religious Studies. Light refreshments will be available. 

Monday, November 18
LSC 133 

For information contact Dr. Teresa Grettano, Coordinator of The Ellacuría Initiative, 


Teresa Grettano

Phone: 5709417659


Loyola Science Center, PNC Auditorium (133)

204 Monroe Avenue
Scranton, PA 18510