Schemel Forum World Affairs Luncheon Seminar - Allergic-Our irritated Bodies in a Changing World
Wednesday, 30 April, 2025
In her new book, MacPhail sets out to unravel the mystery of why the number of people diagnosed with allergies has been steadily increasing over the last half century, placing a growing medical burden on individuals, communities, families, and our healthcare system. A holistic and historical examination of allergies, Allergic spans from our first medical description in 1819 to recent innovations. MacPhail makes surprising discoveries and connections between climate change, pollution, and biologists, that underscore how interconnected our bodies are to our environments.
Theresa MacPhail, Ph.D., Medical Anthropologist, Writer, and Associate Professor of SCience and Technology Studies at STevens Institute of Technology. Her writing has appeared in Slate, The Los Angeles Review of Books, Public Culture, Limn, and Expertise: Cultures and Technologies of Knowledge.
Brennan Hall, Rose Room 509. 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Registration: or call (570) 941-4740.
Seminar Fees: Free for University of Scranton and Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine students, faculty and staff. SEminars are included for Schemel Forum Members, Angels and Archangels. $30 per luncheon per person or $15 remote only.