Events Calendar

An Age of Anxiety - A ROUNDTABLE

Friday, 01 April, 2016

The Schemel Forum in collaboration with the Office of Community and Government Relations at The University of Scranton present:

An Age of Anxiety: A ROUNDTABLE 

The frequency of attacks that fit into the categories of international terrorism and domestic (public) violence have replaced American complacency with anxiety. Can we do anything to prevent the incidents that make  us fearful from  happening or do we need to learn to curb our anxiety? 

Moderators: Julie Schumacher Cohen and Sondra Myers

Resource Person: Michael Greenberger, Law Professor and Director of the Center for Health and Homeland Security, University of Maryland

Limited to 30 People selected on a first-come, first-served basis

RSVP requested to or 941-6206



Emily Brees

Phone: 570-941-6206
Website: Click to Visit

Weinberg Memorial Library, Room 305

300 Monroe Avenue
Scranton, PA 18510