Events Calendar

Global Insights presents - Nigeria

Thursday, 10 November, 2016

Uzo, junior, health administration

A country in West Africa on the Gulf of Guinea, comparable in size to Texas and Idaho combined, Nigeria holds a population of 173.6 million people, 60% of which live on less than $1 US per day. Global Insights is pleased to have Uzoma Agbasionye ’18, Health Administration, present on Nigeria, Thursday, November 10 at 11:30am in the Kane Forum, Leahy Hall Room 235. Registration is required. Please visit here to register:

Despite economic  growth and Nigeria’s status as the #12 oil producing country in the world, 60% (over 100 million) live in poverty. A free democratic society, the latest president, Muhammadu Buhari, is said to be taking steps to end corruption and improve living conditions. Agbasionye relates that even though Nigeria held the richest African economy for a time, pervasive poverty resulting from corruption leaves children without meals, and hungry while trying to go to school.

A culturally diverse nation, Nigeria hosts over 100 languages, English being the official language. Much of the culture is derived from 3 distinct tribes: Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba. A member of the Igbo tribe, Agbasionye is the grandson of the village chief. He shared that the audience should have an open mind when watching films and stories of Africa. “When you see an African movie and what people wear, like rags, don’t generalize and think all people wear that. This is just a single story.”  

This program is being sponsored by Office of International Student and Scholar Services, and hosted Cross Cultural Centers, Residence Life and Office of Equity and Diversity. For more information, please contact Huey Shi Chew at or 570-941-7575.


Huey Shi Chew

Phone: 570-941-7575

Edward R. Leahy Jr. Hall, The Kane Forum

237 Jefferson Avenue
Scranton, PA 18510