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The Schemel Forum World Affairs Seminar- Russia and the Post-Truth Society

Friday, 22 April, 2022

During the Cold War, the U.S.S.R. tried to convince the world that communism was the future of humankind. The U.S. tried to convince the world that democracy and capitalism gave people a better life. Today, propagandists still try to convince but, more and more, try to confuse - to overwhelm their target audiences with a firehose of mis- and dis-information. Jill Dougherty, former CNN Moscow Bureau Chief, currently teaching a course in “Information Wars” at Georgetown University, explores the new paradigm, what it means for Russia, and what it could mean for America.

Jill Dougherty, was CNN’s Moscow Bureau Chief for almost a decade. A Russia expert, she is now
an adjunct Professor at Georgetown University and a CNN on-air contributor

Edward Leahy Hall, Kane Forum, 235 • Noon to 1:30 p.m.; remote link will be emailed 


alicen morrison

Phone: 5709416206
Website: Click to Visit

Edward R. Leahy Jr. Hall, The Kane Forum

237 Jefferson Avenue
Scranton, PA 18510