Events Calendar

Sukkot Celebration

Thursday, 13 October, 2022

A time for interfaith reflection and an opportunity for gratitude. Preparing for the approaching harvest, remembering God's faithfulness and provision...

Sukkot is a Jewish agricultural festival of thanksgiving as well as a commemoration of the Children of Israel living in temporary shelters in their forty years of wandering after leaving slavery in Egypt.

Food, Music and Speakers will be on the Denaples Patio between  5:30-8:00pm.

You are invited to learn more, and to assist in building a sukkah (a temporary shelter covered in natural materials, built near a synagogue or house and used especially for meals during the Jewish festival of Sukkot) for our University community on Tuesday, October 11th, from 3-5pm on the DeNaples patio (the day we return from Fall Break).

Assistance is also needed to give out information about the sukkah on Wed & Thur, Oct 12 & 13. The sign-up sheet is below: 



Daniel Cosacchi

Phone: 570-941-6651

DeNaples Center Patio

900 Mulberry Street
Scranton, PA 18510