The Schemel Forum Course - Down These Mean Streets-An Ethics of Hardboiled, Noir Fiction
Other Dates For This Event:
Monday, 06 February, 2023
The hardbioled novel, whether by writers like Dashiell Hammett or Raymond Chandler or in its more contemporary form in Walter Mosley, Dennis Lehane, or James Ellroy isn't just about detectives and femmes fatales. Instead, in the course of plots that involve murder and double-crossing, it's also a space of applied ethics. It's born in the space that Hemingway created when he contemplated how best to anct in a universe that no longer seemed to have a moral center, and it's matured into a genre that - at its best - calls on us to ask how we develop the codes that guide us in our difficult choices. In this class, we will read a selection of stories and novels - looking sometimes at the films they inspired - from the earliest examples onward.
Joseph Kraus, Ph.D., Professor, Department of English & Theatre, The University of Scranton
Mondays, February 6, 13, 20, 27, & March 6, 13
6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.
Weinberg Memorial Library, Room 305