Events Calendar

The Schemel Forum World Affairs Luncheon Seminar - The World After the Ukraine War

Friday, 28 April, 2023

The Ukraine War has fundamentally affected Ukraine and Russia, but it also has created upheaval around the world, transforming energy policies, inflation, food prices and political stability. More than a year (the war began Feb. 24, 2022) after Russia invaded Ukraine, has the stabilized, or spun deeper into chaos? What are the prospects for peace and reconstruction of Ukraine? How stable is the presidency of Vladimir Putin? Are Ukraine's allies still on board? 

Jill Dougherty, Russia expert, former CNN Moscow Bureau Chief, current CNN on-air contributor, and Professor at Georgetown University

Brennan Hall, Room 509, Rose Room 

Noon to 1:30 p.m.



Brooke Leonard

Phone: 570.941.4740
Website: Click to Visit

Brennan Hall, Rose Room (509)

320 Madison Avenue
Scranton, PA 18510