Events Calendar

Sparkle - Black History Month Film Series

Tuesday, 28 February, 2023

The Weinberg Memorial Library and the Louis Stanley Brown Black Student Union are proud to co-host a Black History Month Film Series.

Sparkle will premiere on Tuesday, February 28, 2023, at 7:00 PM in the Moskovitz Theater.

A brief presentation contextualizing the film will begin at 7:00 PM followed immediately by the movie.

The film is Free and Open to the Public

Complimentary popcorn, snacks, and refreshments will be served! 

The Film Series is made possible by a University of Scranton Diversity Initiatives Grant.


George Aulisio

Phone: 5708813390
Website: Click to Visit

DeNaples Center, Moskovitz Theater (401)

900 Mulberry Street
Scranton, PA 18510