Events Calendar

Volunteer and Service Fair

Tuesday, 12 September, 2023

The Center for Service & Social Justice hosts a Volunteer and Service Fair each fall, inviting our non-profit community partners to come to campus to recruit volunteers for their programs in areas such as health and hospice care, children and youth, aged adults, social justice, food and housing programs, poverty and homelessness and hands on projects. Student volunteers get the opportunity to meet directly with our community partner representatives and find out what types of service opportunities are available in the Scranton community, time commitments, and information about community based learning. Each year the fair is attended by over 50 agencies and 600 students.

Non profit community partners may request a free table at the event by emailing by Tuesday September 6.

There is no advanced registration for students.  The event is open to the public.


Ellen Judge

Phone: 5709417429
Website: Click to Visit

DeNaples Center 4th Floor

900 Mulberry Street
Scranton, PA 18510