The Schemel Forum Course - The Crisis of the Sciences: Positivism, Essentialism, and the Need for Critical Theory?
Other Dates For This Event:
Wednesday, 04 October, 2023
This course will investigate western science's alliance with the twin pillars of Positivism and Essentialism. Such an alliance renders both natural and social science structurally incapable of responding to real social and ecological problems (e.g., starvation, structural racism, or global warming). With the advent of new forms of AI (especially machine learning), this incapacity will only make matters worse. In the face of this crisis, science must dissociate itself from Positivism and Essentialism through a critical turn to Critical Theory.
Andrew LaZella, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Philosophy, and Director, Asian Studies Program, The University of Scranton
Wednesdays, October 4, 11, 18, 25 & November 1, 8
6:00 to 7:15 p.m.
Weinberg Memorial Library, Room 305