Events Calendar

The Schemel Forum - Gun Violence, Prevention, & the Role of the Media

Tuesday, 12 September, 2023

The Philadelphia Center for Gun Violence Reporting was created to explore the hypothesis that changing the way journalists and news organizations report on gun violence could prevent shootings and save lives. The organizers created a community reporting project intended to shift narrative power to people with lived experience, a professional development program to help journalists already covering gun violence learn how to earn trust and build relationships, and an interdisciplinary research collaborative which has been refining their focus by identifying harmful reporting practices and asking what the ideal, most ethical and impactful reporting on gun violence might look like. 

Jim MacMillan, journalist, educator, and social innovator, Director of the Philadelphia Center for Gun Violence Reporting

Brennan Hall, Room 509, Rose Room ⋅ 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.


Brooke Leonard
Phone: 5709414700
Website: Click to Visit

Brennan Hall, Rose Room (509)

320 Madison Avenue
Scranton, PA 18510