Events Calendar

Mental Health Matters - Supporting Student Success

Thursday, 26 October, 2023

Dear faculty, 
I wanted to take a moment to remind you that there will be a Center for Teaching Excellence program on Thursday, October 26th from 11:30-12:45 in LSC 233. A light lunch (soup/salad) will be provided, or you can bring your own. 


Mental Health Matters: Supporting Student Success


Learn more about Scranton students’ mental health and wellness. Presenters will share insights about signs of distress, talking with students who are struggling, and referring students to resources.


Stephanie Adamec, Assistant Dean for Student Wellness

Bob Liskowicz, Psy.D., Director of the Counseling Center

Lauren S. Rivera, J.D., M.Ed., Vice President for Student Life & Dean of Students


Please click here to register: (select "Faculty Development Events")
Additionally, I recently read the article cited below and thought you might also be interested in reading it (compliments to the PILLAR Program for putting it on my radar). 
Coleman, M. E. (2022). Mental Health in the College Classroom: Best Practices for Instructors. Teaching Sociology, 50(2), 168-182.


Tara Hamilton-Fay

Phone: 5703929303
Website: Click to Visit


Loyola Science Center

204 Monroe Avenue
Scranton, PA 18510