Events Calendar

Catholic Studies Program Lecture - Dr. Larry Chapp, The Eucharist as a Form of Public Reason

Thursday, 02 November, 2023

The Catholic Studies Program and the Jesuit Center are pleased to welcome Dr. Larry Chapp, PhD,

who will be giving a guest lecture entitled "The Eucharist as a Form of Public Reason: Notes on an Agonsitic Reading of History"

on Thursday, November 2nd at 7:30pm, in the Pearn Auditorium (Brennan Hall 228).

The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy says about public reason that it “requires that the moral or political rules that regulate our common life be, in some sense, justifiable or acceptable to all those persons over whom the rules purport to have authority.” What, we might ask, has such a notion to do with the Eucharist, or more generally, for that matter, with the Catholic understanding of the sacraments and of the sacred, not to mention with the Church’s unique conception of “the world” at large - of citizenship and its sundry political and moral dimensions? Between the Church and the world today, how much “common life” can there be? Moreover, whose reading of history is “agonistic,” and Why?

Dr. Larry Chapp is Professor Emeritus of Theology at DeSales University, where he taught for 20 years. In 2013, he and his wife founded the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker Farm near Wilkes-Barre, PA. He is the author of multiple books, numerous academic articles, and countless popular essays. He has recently been featured on many prominent Catholic media outlets such as Word on Fire, Catholic Answers, and  EWTN.



Patrick Clark

Phone: 570-941-7590

Brennan Hall, Pearn Auditorium, (228)

320 Madison Avenue
Scranton, PA 18510