TA Talk 1 - Germany, France, and Spain
Thursday, 03 April, 2025
Come meet this year's Fulbright Language Teaching Assistants!
The Department of World Languages & Cultures at the University of Scranton invites you to join us for an on-campus luncheon Thursday, April 3, 2025 from 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM led by our Spanish, German, and French Fulbright Language TAs. Our marvelous international instructors will speak about their own recent experiences teaching and living in the United States as well as share products, practices, and perspectives from their home cultures in Germany/Poland, France, and Spain.
SPOTS FILL UP QUICKLY - registration in advance is required. Kindly click on the link to RSVP by March 28. Danke! Gracias! Merci!