Events Calendar

Jesuit Heritage Week: Ignatian Panel 8:00 PM Madonna

Tuesday, 01 April, 2014

Friends, tonight several members of the University of Scranton community will share what Ignatian spirituality means to them.  

Ms. Bekah Bernard; Ms. Stephanie Boccuzzi; Mr. Rob Cermigano; Fr. Tim Cadigan, S.J., Ph.D.; Mr. Rob Farrell; Dr. Christian Krokus, Ph.D.; Fr. Dan Sweeney, S.J., Ph.D.; and Dr. Gretchen Van Dyke, Ph.D. will share with us how their lives have been touched by the spirituality that grew out of the experiences of a wounded Basque soldier who gave his life over to God in the 1500s.  

From St. Ignatius's Spiritual Exercises, developed while he was a layman,  have grown the Society of Jesus and Jesuit apostolates.  People in all walks of life have benefited from the insights and practices of Ignatian Spirituality, from dozens of religious orders whose life and prayer is modeled on the Jesuit way of proceeding to the millions of person who have been helped by various "12 Step" programs which grew out of the Exercises.

Join us in Madonna Della Strada chapel at 8:00 PM to hear and discuss the fascinating ways in which Ignatian Spirituality has touched human hearts and minds.


rick Malloy

Phone: x7419

Madonna della Strada Chapel, Rock Hall

415 Monroe Avenue
Scranton, PA 18510