Events Calendar

Start Smart Salary Negotiation Workshop

Tuesday, 10 February, 2015

The Start Smart Salary Negotiation workshop prepares women who are approaching the job market with the confidence, knowledge, and skills they need to negotiate salaries and benefits.  After leaving the workshop, my hope is, students will learn how to determine salary needs, benchmark salary and benefits, and how to negotiate for their first salary out of college.

This workshop will be held next Tuesday, Feb. 10 from 5-8 p.m. in TDC 405. Students must register to attend the event by Monday, Feb. 9.  It is a free event and dinner will be provided. To register, you must email or call 570-941-7902.  Please forward to other faculty, staff, and students who may be interested. Thank you!


Justine Johnson

Phone: 570-941-6194

DeNaples Center, McDonnell Room (405)

900 Mulberry Street
Scranton, PA 18510