- Daily Mass
- University Policy - Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment
- Light Weights & Abs
- Mindfulness Meditation
- Art Exhibit - Earth’s Apothecary-Recent Works by Jordan Oakey
- Exhibit--Learning to Write-American Penmanship Manuals from the David Kaminski and Zaner-Bloser Collections 1791-1980
- Drop-in Pickleball for Staff & Faculty
- Daily Mass
- Myers Distinguished Visiting Fellow in the Humanities and Civic Engagement Lecture
- The Schemel Forum Course - Indiana Jones and the Twentieth Century
- Art Exhibit - Earth’s Apothecary-Recent Works by Jordan Oakey
- Exhibit--Learning to Write-American Penmanship Manuals from the David Kaminski and Zaner-Bloser Collections 1791-1980
- 2023 Fall - Mid Semester Grades Due
- Daily Mass
- Lunchtime Yoga Flow
- University Policy - Emergency Evacuation Policy and Plan
- Light Weights & Abs
- The Schemel Forum Course - The Crisis of the Sciences: Positivism, Essentialism, and the Need for Critical Theory?
- Orthodox Vespers
- 2023 Fall - Incomplete Grades from Prior Term Due
- 2023 Fall - Last Day to Elect Audit Grade Option
- Art Exhibit - Earth’s Apothecary-Recent Works by Jordan Oakey
- Exhibit--Learning to Write-American Penmanship Manuals from the David Kaminski and Zaner-Bloser Collections 1791-1980
- Daily Mass
- University Policy: Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct
- Fall Folktales from Argentina
- Author Patricia Leavy Lecture and Book Signing
- Energizing Yoga
- Art Exhibit - Earth’s Apothecary-Recent Works by Jordan Oakey
- Exhibit--Learning to Write-American Penmanship Manuals from the David Kaminski and Zaner-Bloser Collections 1791-1980
- Daily Mass
- The University of Scranton Players Present - Dead Man's Cell Phone
- Art Exhibit - Earth’s Apothecary-Recent Works by Jordan Oakey
- Exhibit--Learning to Write-American Penmanship Manuals from the David Kaminski and Zaner-Bloser Collections 1791-1980
- The University of Scranton Players Present - Dead Man's Cell Phone
- 2023 Fall - Graduate Comprehensive Exams
- Exhibit--Learning to Write-American Penmanship Manuals from the David Kaminski and Zaner-Bloser Collections 1791-1980